1.  How much does it cost to take a Red Cross Babysitter's Training Class?
$55.00 per participant.

2.  How do I register for a class?
The preferred method is to register online through this blog .  Or you can call or email our instructor, Kristin Morgan, at 206-406-7925 or kristinRmorgan@gmail.com and provide the Participant's Name and Age, the Participant's Parent Name and Telephone Number, and the Date and Location of the Class you wish to attend. 

3.  Is prepayment required to register?
No, although it is recommended, you can pay via Venmo, or  Paypal on the registration page. Or you can bring your fee the day of class.  If paying by check, make it payable to the instructor:  Kristin Morgan.

4.  Can you come to our location and teach a class?
Yes, for a minimum of 6 participants, our instructor will come to your location within  Washington county in Utah and Clark County in Nevada.  Cost for classes at your location is $55.00 per participant - same as if attending Babysitter Training at a Red Cross location.  There are no extra fees for on-site classes at the above locations.  (Please contact instructor for classes located somewhere other than the above mentioned counties.)  Telephone Kristin Morgan at 206-406-7925 or e-mail her at kristinRmorgan@gmail.com to schedule a class.  

5.  How old do I have to be to attend your Red Cross Babysitter's Training Class? 
This class is for 10 to 14 year olds.

6.  What do I need to bring to class?
All supplies are supplied for the students, except for lunch. Students need to bring a sack lunch with them on the day of class. 

7.  What if I register then am unable to come to class?
We ask that as soon as you realize you will be unable to attend the class your call or email the instructor to inform us.  We have a limited number of seats available per class.  So, your cancellation may mean someone else's opportunity to attend the class.  Please keep us informed.

8.  Will students receive CPR or First Aid certification in this class?
Yes, students will become certified in CPR for infants and children.  They will receive a certification card for American Red Cross Babysitter Training in the mail after the completion of class.  

9.  Do parents also attend the class? 
No.  The class is only for the babysitters.  Parents will bring their son/daughter at the beginning of class and get them signed in, then return to pick up their son/daughter at the end of the class.